The genesis of Ebenezer Pentecostal Assembly (EPA) is a result of the burden given to few migrated families to worship in their own mother tongue (Malayalam). The first prayer meeting happened on 20th June 2008, Friday. As a result of the first prayer meeting, all families present unanimously showed their interest in coming together to worship God in Malayalam. Furthermore, our pioneers felt the urgent need of renting a hall for their regular worship. The search for the hall led them to
St Andrews Uniting Church, Glenelg
92 Jetty Road, Glenelg, South Australia 5045
This marked the formation of first Malayalam Pentecostal Church in Adelaide and first service was held on Sunday, 6th July 2008.
During one of the initial fasting prayer, God gave a strong promise about our fellowship that He will expand the boundaries and fill it. God’s promise being fulfilled was seen on every Sunday with the addition of new families. Thereafter, different ministry (Sunday school, Youth, Ladies etc.) focusing on the various need pertaining to different age group, gender were incorporated.
Our God who does not despise humble beginning helped our church to be incorporated under South Australia Association Incorporation Act 1985 as Ebenezer Pentecostal Assembly Inc. on 25th March 2009.
The God who called us is continuing to be faithful towards us by pouring His abundant blessings and Grace. Currently, Pr. Rajeev Chempisseril and his family are ministering amidst us.
We are currently located at 7 Finniss St, Marion, SA 5043
To present everyone perfect in Jesus Christ
- To raise an army of people rooted and built in knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- To proclaim God’s message unto everyone
- To see extraordinary works of Holy Spirit through ordinary people.
P… Peacemaker (Maintain peace with everyone)
E… Exalter (Exalt the name of Jesus)
R… Reach (Reach the unreached with the good news)
F… Finisher (Faithfully finish the task given by God)
E… Extraordinary (Do extraordinary work through Holy spirit)
C… Charity (Helping people in need)
T… Teamwork (Stand united to build His kingdom)
- We believe in the one, holy, sovereign, creating and redeeming God, eternally existing in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy spirit.
- We believe in the divine inspiration and entire trustworthiness of the bible, its infallible teaching and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct and its normative value for all peoples, at all times, in all cultures.
- We believe that all people without distinction are made in the image of God, but all are now sinners and have incurred both God’s holy wrath and their own shame and guilt. All are therefore in utter need of redemption.
- We believe in Jesus Christ our Lord, the incarnate Son of God, uniquely God-man and the only Savior. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, bodily resurrection and ascension. We believe He has achieved the final defeat of Satan and all evil powers.
- We believe in the justification of sinners by God’s grace, through faith in Christ alone.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit and His convicting, regenerating, sanctifying and reviving work. He guides and empowers individuals and churches in their service to God and all people.
- We believe in the unity and priesthood of all believers who together form the one, holy, universal, apostolic church.
- We believe in the visible, personal return of Jesus Christ in power and great glory to judge both the living and the dead. We believe that the Scriptures set out only two destinies for humanity; the joyful prospect of eternal life in the presence of God for those who have received Christ and the agonizing prospect of eternal separation from God for those who have rejected Him
- To foster the spiritual and social intensification of followers primarily of Christian faith and secondarily of humanity irrespective of caste, Creed, religion and nationality.
- To conduct gospel work, proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and conduct worship services, bearing witness to his unfailing love.
- To arrange Christian conventions, meetings, camps, retreats, discussions and training programs and other meetings of spiritual and social importance.
- To print, publish and distribute, periodicals, Literature, tracts connected with Christianity and Bible and books and materials that imparts good values and ethics.
- To conduct and organize bible studies, intercessory prayer, Christian goal setting and planning meeting, counselling, and Christian home group prayers.
- To conduct picnics and tours oriented to promote spiritual awakening and togetherness in Christ.